A documentary composed entirely of YouTube videos
"Briliant... Thought-provoking..." Haaretz daily newspaper, Israel
"Thrilling, colorful and moving" Die Zieit Online, Germany
"The real feat is how the filmmakers shaped such an engaging documentary
distillation and composition out of this massive material" POV Magazine, Canada
"A powerful punch in the stomach" Spitz Magazine, Germany
"A fascinating and smart film" Dok.Talk, Israel
Every year, a quarter of all Israeli High School students embark on a school trip to Poland to commemorate the Holocaust. This trip is known in Israel as "The Journey to Poland".
Since it began in the late 1980's, the traditional journey includes 100 teenagers, 4 concentration camps, 3 mass graves, 2 ghettos and 14 memorial services within 8 days, but the fact that many of the students upload videos of their journey to YouTube, is a newer phenomenon.
As the last Holocaust survivors are nearing the end of their lives, young Israelis are eager to immortalize the collective trauma. Video sharing becomes a central tool in the commemoration efforts. Teenagers, teachers and parents film every testimony, gas chamber and ceremony, as well as late-night hang-outs at the hotel and video selfies.
they edit their version of history and share the clips online, adding to an ever-expanding YouTube archive of more than 20,000 clips.
#uploading_holocaust is a curation of these user-generated videos, offering a unique point of view of a new generation, while revealing a moving and troubling image of the way collective memory is formed in the web-age.

Directors Udi Nir, Sagi Bornstein
Producers Udi Nir, Sagi Bornstein, Christian Beetz
Production companies udiVsagi production, Gebrueder Beetz Filmproduktion
Creative producers Georg Tschutschenthaler, Tanja Schmoler
Co-creator Uri Tzaig
Editors Gal Goffer, Sagi Bornstein
Original music Uri Agnon
Research Tamar Menashes
Sound design and mix Aviv Aldema
Online Yoav Raz
Legal advisor adv. Sharon May
Contend and production advisors Yulie Cohen, Shani Rozanes, Goel Pinto
Post production Alex vukolov, Noga Ofer, Xavier Agudu
Line producer Kathrin Isberner
Grafic design Studio Gay and Vadim
Artwork Yali Ziv
World sales Keshet International, Go2Films

Nominated for the young eyes award
Dok Leipzig, Germany 2016
Nominated for Best Documentary
Milan Int. Film Festival awards, Italy 2017
Nominated for Best Editing
Milan Int. Film Festival awards, Italy 2017
Nominated for Best Film
Milan Int. Film Festival awards, Italy 2017
Nominated for Best Story
Madrid Int. Film Festival, Spain 2017
Nominated for the Jury award
Madrid Int. Film Festival, Spain 2017
Israel / Germany / Austria
Production year 2016
Runtime 75 min
Aspect ratio 16:9
Screening format DCP
Sound Seround 5.1
Color Color